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2018-04-24 S.B. min. Exec.Sess.

Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 24, 2018 – 6 PM
Meeting & Executive Session Minutes  -  SELECT BOARD

Opened meeting 6:02 PM – Selectboard members Edith M. and Richy B. with T.A. Nina N. were joined by Jim O’Coin, David Cruise, Karen Cruise and Linda Farineau to discuss COA space options.  Jon F. was absent.

Executive Session 6:03 PM -- in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:-- Richie moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.        Exemption Six – To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if… open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body. In roll call Edith voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”

Executive Session

Dave C. outlined steps already taken by the FSC in consideration of temporary and/or permanent space for the Council on Aging. He noted that the JWA space plan determined that there is serious interest in a community center. The growth of the town’s senior population is faster than in many other communities, currently at about 35 percent of residents over age 60 and about 800-1,000 individuals.
        The former Sonoma space at P.O. Place is recommended for ease of access, kitchen, restrooms, storefront location. Current basement location COA is leasing does not have kitchen, only concrete floors and restroom considered remote. Group viewed floorplan of a re-designed Sonoma that was put together by Wellington Property Mgmt. Group as an initial draft.
        It was noted that COA has about 220 participants per month and the director, Linda F., is limited to 20 hours. With bigger and better space, participation may grow, attracting “younger” seniors. Linda explained that older, more frail seniors are attending lunches and other activities, but numbers are growing with the Town Buzz program and other events attracting younger seniors. Currently, rent for basement space is $10,000/year but $4,00 is paid by Arts Society.
        Jim O..noted that the Sonoma option is something to try before a major buildout. He reviewed a memo from Wellington that outlined terms of a potential lease, on a five-year schedule with a base at $12/sq.ft. that totaled $33,180./year in rent. Cost of rehab could be $80-90,000 and property owner may cover 25 percent. Linda noted that COA lease is not responsible for any exterior maintenance or lighting, etc. Dave C. wants to see an option for one-year termination of any lease. These are the details to be addressed in any lease negotiation. It was noted that the owners see the town as a desirable tenant with less physical impact than a restaurant.
        Edith said Sonoma could be a proving ground and that the space for COA must e inviting—citing huge turnout of seniors each year at Harrington Farm.
        Richy mentioned a source who indicated that current tenants at P.O. Place pay $9-10/sq.ft. for the prime spaces. He offered the possibility of renting any extra space to other groups as extra revenue source. Nina noted that tenant offers must be done fairly according to a consistent policy.
        Issue came up of town, at lease’s end, walking away from improvements to the property which the town paid for, but these details may be addressed in the lease.
        Karen C. suggested ways to cut costs of Sonoma upgrade, such as simple cosmetic improvements (paint) rather than installing new walls and ceilings. She questioned the need for a Parks & Rec office which was initially included in the project. She proposed adding staff as COA grows, which is a flexible cost, rather than spending money on building additions/upgrades which is permanent.
        The wording of the warrant article for funding Sonoma space/lease can be done in a regular meeting. Group agreed that a lease be negotiated in five-year timeframes with a one-year right of termination. The article must describe it as a lease of up to 20 years

7 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Edith making a motion to adjourn, Richy seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Edith and Richy each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Wellington memo and floorplan